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A+ (Superior)

AM Best Rating

Analysis Report AM Best

AA- (Very Strong)

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Analysis Report Standard & Poor

Available Life Products

Term Life Insurance

Banner Life offers guaranteed term insurance policies for 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 and 40 years. Premiums are guaranteed for the life of the product

Universal Life Insurance

Banner Life offers traditional flexible premium Universal Life Insurance. Through their Life Step UL product your policy offers an additional layer of protection and will remain guaranteed so long as you pay your scheduled life premiums.

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No-Exam Options

Banner Life offers no exam life insurance between the ages of 20 and 60 for a maximum benefit of up to $2 million.

  • You must have had a medical exam with your own personal physician within the last 18 months.

Available Riders

Accelerated Benefit Rider

Provides up to 75% of your death benefit or up to a maxium of $500,000 in advance of death after having been diagnosed with a qualifying terminal illness.


Where available, this rider provides for up to $10,000 in coverage for your children until their age of 25


Where available, this rider credits the cost of your policy in the event of your Total Disability.

Conversion Options

Banner Life term insurance is convertible up to your age of 70.

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Have questions on which carrier to choose or riders that you might need? InsuranceMD agents are available to help answer your questions. Give us a call or text us at 800-538-3767 or you can chat with us by access our live chat option below. Our licensed agents aren’t commissioned so rest assured that our priority is to help you choose the best life insurance option for you. We’re here to help!

Life Insurance Calculator

Purchasing life insurance can be a daunting decision. Our EZ Calculator tool can help you quickly estimate how much life insurance you might need. Want a more custom and comprehensive life insurance evaluation? Our Personalized Life Insurance Calculator gives you the option to get a detailed life insurance assessment based on your current and future needs.

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