Own Occupation Disability Insurance
For Your Specialty - Trauma Surgeon


Job Description

Treats patients who have suffered traumas to an organ or organ system.


Diagnostic assessment, treatment protocols, surgical consultation and procedures, patient follow-up care.


  • 4-Year bachelor’s degree
  • 4-year medical degree
  • 7-year medical residency
  • Specialized Trauma training
  • State licensure

Annual Salary

Earning Potential*

Example is based on career averages for medical specialty listed above.
*Career After Tax income is based on an individual at the age of 35 and retiring at the age of 70 with 2% inflation pay increases assuming a total state/federal income tax of 28%.

Common Disabilities:

  • Arthritis
  • Bone fractures
  • Tendinitis
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Ruptured disc
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Cancer

Alternative Non-Clinical Career Fields

  • Medical Research and Development: Medical Science Liaison
  • Digital Health: Clinical Informatics, Digital Health Advisor, Telemedicine Physician
  • Consultant/SME: Medical Expert Witness, Independent Medical Evaluator, Utilization Reviewer, Physician Life Care Planning (legal) Consultant
  • Hospital Administration: Hospital Executive Director, Medical Director, Physician Reviewer
  • Education: Professor of Medicine, Medical Education Specialist, Continuing Education Manager, Physician Career Coach
  • Writing: scientific manuscripts, CME and test prep materials, medical journalism

Common Causes of Disability*

1 in 4 Are Disabled Before Age 65**

*Common Causes of Disability provided by the Council for Disability Awareness
**Odds of disability provided through the Council for Disability Awareness

Own Specialty Disability Insurance free from limitations that prevent you from earning an income in your occupation but perhaps in a different capacity or in another occupation entirely.

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How True Own Occupation Insurance Benefits You

You invested over a decade of your life and over $200,000 to practice medicine as a Trauma Surgeon. Experts estimate that one in four medical specialists who purchase disability insurance will experience a disability that requires a benefit payout.

According to Medscape, medical specialists need to invest between 2% and 6% of their annual income in disability insurance to be fully insured. Those who purchase stand-alone policies from their employer and later suffer an injury or illness discover that the coverage they thought they were getting isn’t enough.

Uninsured physicians discover they are ineligible for coverage altogether as insurance companies will consider an injury or illness a pre-existing condition.

True Own Specialty disability insurance from InsuranceMD will replace your full income tax-free even if you choose a career in another field or decide to continue to practice medicine.

Choose a True Own Specialty disability plan from among seven of the best insurance carriers in the country.

Get An "Own" Occupation Disability Insurance" Quote For Trauma Surgeon

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