Disability Insurance for Active Duty Military Physicians

Disability Insurance for Active Duty Military Physicians


Own Specialty Disability Insurance

Disability Insurance remains the most important financial product for physicians that are looking to protect their ability to earn an income even if they are no longer capable of working in their medical specialty. Currently, the only way to obtain Own Specialty Disability Insurance is through an individual plan offered through one of six carriers: Ameritas – Guardian – MassMutual – Ohio National – Principal – and The Standard.

Own Specialty Disability Insurance for Active Duty Military Physicians

Own Specialty Disability Insurance is equally important to those who serve, however, while on Active Duty your options to obtain True Own Specialty Disability Insurance are limited.

Mass Mutual
To date, if you are on Active Duty the only disability carrier that will underwrite a new policy for you is MassMutual.MassMutual not only writes a policy while you are on Active Duty but they will provide coverage for any “NON-ACT-OF-WAR” sickness or injury that is not covered through the US Military.
Everyone should love and respect our military servicemen and women and we believe more should be available to those who serve. We are proud that MassMutual recognizes the value of our Physician servicemen and women by making their strong Own Specialty Contract available to those who are serving.
Military Doctor


What if you already had Own Specialty Coverage prior to Active Duty?

If you already have a disability policy prior to beginning your service most carriers will allow you to suspend your policy during service which allows you to pick up your policy right where you left off when your service ends.

We are aware that Ameritas will allow you to continue to pay your premiums while serving, and they will provide coverage for any “NON-ACT-OF-WAR” sickness or injury that is not covered through the US Military much like MassMutual, however, Ameritas will not allow you to purchase a new policy during service making MassMutual the only option for Active Duty Military Physicians looking to purchase Own Specialty Disability Insurance.

Contact InsuranceMD

We are here to answer your questions about a new Own Specialty Disability Insurance or even your current policy.
We will evaluate your policy at no charge!

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